Monday, December 9, 2013

The question of Pope Francias

     Prior to attending Hoover High School, I was enrolled in the Catholic school system from 2006 to 2013. My time in private schools leads to many elaborate stories, most of which are irrelevant to this blog. However, the one story that does tie in to this blog would be my experience with the "tolerance" of my theology teachers. Hellfire and damnation were constantly preached concerning the subject of homosexuals and atheists, despite one of the tenants of Christianity being, "Judge not, lest thee be judged." I do not hold ill will towards the Catholic Church itself for this hypocrisy, but rather the minds of the teachers. However, perhaps the minds of my former teachers will eventually be opened by the eccentric views of Pope Francis.
      Pope Francis is certainly an eccentric figure, in the sense that he seems to focus more on the judge not factor of Christianity than previous popes. Perhaps the best manner of describing his views of atheists and homosexuals would be "aloof". Throughout my six and a half years in private school, even when my faith was actually strong, I longed for my teachers to actually admit that it is not their place to judge what someone else's place will be. After all, we are all merely humans, not divine beings.
     Of course, this is controversial in the ranks of the church. I do not expect change to come quickly, but hopefully, in my lifetime, the eyes of many will be opened. I suppose I can only hope.

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