Friday, October 25, 2013

"Techies concerned over NSA surveillance will march in D.C., proclaiming ‘Stop Watching Us’"

The NSA controversy has become the defining issue among those that are technologically savvy. A protest against the NSA's spy programs is scheduled for Saturday near the Capitol and is expected to gather thousands of followers. The group in charge of the protest, Stop Watching Us, has stated that their protest welcomes any supporters. Stop Watching Us's motivation for protesting lies in the fact that the government simply has too much information at its disposal. One protestor even stated: “Twenty years ago, if they collected this information, they couldn’t do much with it.”

I personally believe that any protest against the NSA is completely justified at this point. The fact that such spy programs existed in the first place already trampled the Constitution, but at least the government was honest about such privacy invasions during the Bush administration. However, President Obama not only went against his campaign promise of ending such programs, he expanded them, which is a horrible crime towards the American people. The term fascism is thrown around frequently with issues such as this but I am going to take a stance at middle ground. I am not one of those people that insists that the United States is already a fascist country, because we have not gone as far as to execute citizens for dissent. However, the direction the United States is heading towards, whatever it may be, cannot be one that is desirable when every citizen is watched constantly as if they are all criminals.

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